
“Abhi” means towards, into, or upon, while “Anjana” refers to the act of smearing or anointing. Abhyanga involves the practice of rubbing the body with an unctuous substance, typically by massaging the entire body, including the head, with oil.

Ayurvedic Philosophy

The primary goal of Ayurveda is encapsulated in the phrase: “Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam, aaturasya vikara prashamanam.” This means maintaining health for the healthy and alleviating ailments for the sick. To prevent diseases, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of Dinacharya, or daily routines. Within Dinacharya, Abhyanga plays a pivotal role as a full-body oil massage. Abhyanga is often performed with medicated and typically warm oil, massaged into the entire body before bathing. Ayurvedic massages utilize synchronized movements to stimulate nerve endings, enhance blood circulation, and facilitate the early elimination of toxins from the body. The herbal components in the medicated oils not only rejuvenate tissues but also contribute to overall well-being. The warm herbal oil used in these massages enhances peripheral blood circulation, while specific long, flowing strokes improve lymphatic flow and promote efficient toxin elimination.

Types of Ayurvedic Massage

Sarvanga Abhyangam

This massage targets the entire body using various medicated oils or ghee with specific strokes. It serves both curative and preventive purposes. Sarvanga Abhyangam applies the right amount of pressure and synchronized movements to deliver multiple health benefits. It relaxes the entire body, alleviates muscle pain, improves blood circulation, accelerates recovery, and strengthens the immune system, providing protection against various diseases.

Ekanga Abhyangam

Focused solely on the affected area, Ekanga Abhyangam is highly effective for pain relief and tissue regeneration. It helps tone and strengthen the muscles of the affected part, facilitating quicker recovery.


This refers to an Ayurvedic foot massage using herbal oils. Padabhyangam stimulates specific points on the feet that promote mental relaxation and improve the functioning of all bodily organs by activating various nerve endings. Utilizing specialized Ayurvedic oils and precise hand movements, this massage revitalizes tired feet, reduces swelling in the lower legs, enhances blood circulation, boosts fertility, and alleviates conditions such as nervousness and insomnia. It also plays a significant role in preventing cramps and dryness.

Health Benefits of Abhyangam

Abhyanga is likened to watering the roots of a tree; regular application nurtures the body, ensuring the health of its tissues (dhatus). The oils used in the massage are not limited to the skin; they penetrate deep into the body, reaching various tissue layers such as rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle), meda (fat), asthi (bone), and majja (marrow). The medicated oil remains effective for about 300 matras (a measure of time), gradually permeating these tissues. The benefits of Ayurvedic massage extend to physical, mental, and emotional well-being, enhancing overall health and promoting longevity.


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